
Gaffney Middle Football COVID-19 Practice Plan

Phase 1 Regulations

  1. Facilities Cleaning- Adequate cleaning schedules should be created and implemented for all athletic facilities. Prior to an individual or groups of individuals entering a facility, hard surfaces within that facility should be wiped down and sanitized (chairs, furniture in meeting rooms, weight room equipment, bathrooms, athletic training room tables, etc.). Individuals should wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm water and soap or hand sanitizer before touching any surfaces or participating in workouts. Hand sanitizer should be plentiful and available to individuals as they transfer from place to place. Appropriate clothing/shoes should be worn at all times to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment/surfaces. Any equipment such as weight benches, athletic pads, etc. having holes with exposed foam should be covered. Athletes must be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning to home.

  2. Entrance/Exit Strategies- Consider strategies to prevent groups from gathering at entrances/exits to facilities to limit crossover and contact, including staggering starting/ending times.

  3. Limitations on Gatherings- No gathering of more than 10 people to include athletes, coaches, and staff at a time (inside or outside. Workouts should be conducted in “groups” of athletes with the same athletes working out together weekly to limit overall exposures. Consider smaller groups for weight training. Groups are to be separated by facilities (one group per facility). There must be a minimum distance of 6 feet between each individual at all times. If this is not possible in enclosed areas, then the maximum number of individuals in the room must be decreased to obtain a minimum distance of 6 feet between each individual.

  4. Pre-Workout Screening All athletes, coaches, and staff should be screened daily for signs / symptoms of COVID-19 prior to participating, including a temperature check. Anyone with a temperature of greater than 100.3 degrees should not participate and be sent home. Responses to screening questions for each person should be recorded and stored. Any person with positive symptoms reported should not be allowed to participate, should self-isolate, contact their primary care provider or other health-care professional and not be allowed to return until tested for the COVID-19 virus and receive a result of NEGATIVE or have been cleared by a healthcare provider other than an athletics trainer.

  5. Face Coverings- State, local or school district guidelines for face coverings should be strictly followed. In the absence of guidelines to the contrary, we recommend that: Face coverings be worn by athletes when not participating in the sports activity. Coaches and staff, officials should wear cloth face coverings at all times during the workout sessions. (Artificial noisemakers such as an air horn or a timer system with an alarm can be used to signal in place of a traditional whistle.) Plastic shields covering the entire face will not be allowed during participation due to the risk of unintended injury to the person wearing the shield or others.

  6. Hygiene Practices- Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces. Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow. Avoid touching your face. Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible. Strongly consider using face coverings while in public, and particularly when using mass transit

  7. Hydration/Food- All students must bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared. Food should not be shared. Hydration stations (water cows, water trough, water fountains, etc.) should not be utilized.

  8. Travel- Keep it local and avoid cross county travel when possible, especially if counties are in different phases. Consider limiting the number of riders on a bus or van to address social distancing and/or encourage athletes to ride with family members to venues.

  9. Locker Rooms and Athletic Training Areas- Locker rooms should not be utilized during Phase 1. Students should report in appropriate attire and immediately return home to shower after participation. No students allowed in training area unless Athletics Trainer is present

  10. Weight Rooms- Weight equipment should be wiped down thoroughly before and after an individual’s use of equipment. Resistance training should be emphasized as body weight, weight machines, and free weights that do not require a spotter. Free weight exercises that require a spotter cannot be conducted while honoring physical distancing norms. Safety measures in all forms must be strictly enforced in the weight room. Weight rooms should follow physical distancing guidelines. Athletes should be separated by 12ft.

  11. Physical Activity and Athletic Equipment- There should be no shared athletic equipment (towels, clothing, shoes, or sports specific equipment) between students. Students should wear their own appropriate workout clothing (do not share clothing). Individual clothing/towels should be washed and cleaned at home after every workout. No balls or sports equipment for first 10 days of workouts or 14 calendar days to minimize common contact points. Beginning with 11th day of workouts or 15th calendar day, properly cleaned and sanitized balls and sports equipment may be used. Must maintain 6ft. social distancing. When permissible to use, all athletic equipment, including balls, should be cleaned after each individual use and prior to the next workout. Individual drills requiring the use of athletic equipment are permissible, but the equipment should be cleaned prior to use by the next individual.

  12. Football- Conditioning and individual drills. A player should not participate in drills with a single ball that will be handed off or passed to other teammates. Contact with other players is not allowed, and when permitted, there should be no sharing of sports equipment. Protective equipment prohibited.

July Practice Schedule







7th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance


8Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill


7Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance


8th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill




7th Grade



Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill


8Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance



7th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill


8Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance




7th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance


8Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill


7th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance


8Th Grade



Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill




7th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill


8Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance


7th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill


8Th Grade


Coaches- Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance



Facilities- Game field, Practice field, Gym, Weight Room

  • Coach Ellis has volunteered to come all four days. 

  • I will need at least one Coach from (Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill) group to volunteer to help on their off days.  Feel free to alternate. 

  • All coaches can come every day if they want.

Practice Procedure Coach Group 1 (Warren, Ellis, Corry, Studyvance)


Player arrives- Coaches (Warren and Ellis) will greet them at the check-in station located beside the gate entrance to the locker room.  Warren will take temperatures and fill out questionnaire.  Ellis will provide hand sanitizer and mask.  Corry and Studyvance will already be at their first practice stations to meet their players after check in.

Players should wait in line while practicing social distancing. Parents should not leave until player is successfully checked in

Once finished with sanitizing and health check, the player will go to their coach’s designated area.

A volunteer coach from group 2 will be a runner for extra help.


  • Two groups will be on one of two fields, and the other two groups will be one in the gym and the other in the weight room.

  • Once 30 minutes passes (and the inside groups have cleaned their equipment), the two inside groups will go outside, and the outside groups will go into one of the inside stations.

  • Each coach will move with their group to different stations.

  • Water breaks will take place with each athlete and coach having their own separate bottle of water/sanitize then if necessary.

  • Station changes will operate in a clockwise manner, so players and coaches aren’t walking in and out of the same areas (It is a rule).

  • Leaving Practice

  • Once the second 30 minutes are up, follow the same cleaning procedures to leave.

  • Get their things together and throw away bottles if non-reusable.

  • Make their way to the keyhole using the same clockwise rotation.

  • Wait for ride while social distancing.

Practice Procedure Coach Group 2 (Warren, Montgomery, Jennings, Hemphill)


  • Player arrives- Coaches (Warren and Montgomery) will greet them at the check-in station located beside the gate entrance to the locker room.  Warren will take temperatures and fill out questionnaire.  Montgomery will provide hand sanitizer and mask.  Jennings and Hemphill will already be at their first practice stations to meet their players after check in.

  • Players should wait in line while practicing social distancing. Parents should not leave until player is successfully checked in.

  • Once finished with sanitizing and health check, the player will go to their coach’s designated area.

  • Ellis/volunteer coach from group 1 will be a runner for extra help.


  • Two groups will be on one of two fields, and the other two groups will be one in the gym and the other in the weight room.

  • Once 30 minutes passes (and the inside groups have cleaned their equipment), the two inside groups will go outside, and the outside groups will go into one of the inside stations.

  • Each coach will move with their group to different stations.

  • Water breaks will take place with each athlete and coach having their own separate bottle of water/sanitize then if necessary.

  • Station changes will operate in a clockwise manner, so players and coaches aren’t walking in and out of the same areas (It is a rule).

Leaving Practice

  • Once the second 30 minutes are up, follow the same cleaning procedures to leave.

  • Get their things together and throw away bottles if non-reusable.

  • Make their way to the keyhole using the same clockwise rotation.

  • Wait for ride while social distancing.