
Some children require medications to be taken during school hours. Before any medication can be given at school, the Authorization for Medication Administration by School Personnel form must be completed by your childs doctor and signed by you. No medication, including (prescription and over-the-counter) will be given unless there is a current form completed and signed on file. You can obtain this form from the school nurse or download the form from the district web site. Please do not send medication to school with your child as an adult must personally bring all medications.
If your child has a food allergy documented by his/her doctor and/or has an EpiPen for use, please inform the school nurse immediately and make an appointment the first week of school. This appointment is necessary in order to provide you with additional information regarding management of food allergies at school. Additionally, there are several forms that will need to be completed by your child's doctor.
In years past, school nurses have administered several over-the-counter medications such as antibiotic ointment, Oragel, Visine, Benadryl cream and spray, etc. The Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and Department of Education School Health liaison, has informed us that it is not best practice to administer over-the-counter medications without a doctors order. According to SC Nursing and Medical Practice Acts, the physician is the one responsible for deciding when and if any medications are needed for patients. The nurse needs a written physicians order before administering ANY medications.
The school district will no longer purchase any over-the-counter medications for the nurses to use. Any medications, over-the-counter or prescription, will require a physicians written order and the parents will have to provide the medication.
If you have any questions regarding school health services, please feel free to contact Teresa Hicks 864- 206-6158 or Kayla McCraw 864-206-2314 by email at or
You may also locate additional health information and school related forms on the district-wide website here and click on the Nursing and Health Web Site.
All students entering seventh grade must receive or have already received a dose of Tdap vaccine on or after their seventh birthday to protect them from pertussis (whooping cough). Your child's school will need a South Carolina Certificate of Immunization showing that he or she has received this newly required Tdap vaccine. Please dont wait. avoid the rush by making an appointment with your child's healthcare provider today to get the required Tdap vaccine and other vaccines recommended for child's protection.

Cherokee County School District maintains cumulative record folders for each student contains directory, scholastic information, standardized test data, health records referral information involved in evaluation and special education and other pertinent information. A parent may review or inspect his/her childs record by making arrangements with the principal.